Winter in 2023-24] If you are coming to Japan, beware of influenza!

Winters in Japan are very cold.

There are also views that can only be seen during the winter season and meals that are not available.

Personally speaking, I would say that you will enjoy the winter months more than the summer months with regard to scenery and food, but be aware that you are more likely to get sick during the winter season.


Winter season is a good time to get sick.

While there are no specific “Japan-specific diseases” that foreign travelers are susceptible to in Japan, especially during the winter months, there are some health risks that should be noted due to the season and environment. Below are some health issues to be aware of in winter in Japan.


Winter is the season when influenza is prevalent. Since influenza epidemics are seen every year in Japan, it is important to take precautionary measures such as vaccination, hand washing, and cough etiquette.

I would especially like to tell you about influenza.

As of November 17, 2023, 21.13 persons per medical facility were infected with influenza.

There are 179,090 medical facilities nationwide, an increase of 598 facilities over the previous year. Hospitals” totaled 8,372 facilities, down 40 facilities from the previous year, while “general clinics” totaled 102,105 facilities, up 634 facilities, and “dental clinics” totaled 68,613 facilities, up 4 facilities.

I Survey of medical facilities 1 Number of facilities

If Japan as a whole is 179,090 facilities X 21.13 persons, 37,841,717 people are currently infected with influenza.

It is likely to increase in the future, so please take action.

Click here for the latest information

Although the influenza pandemic is not limited to Japan, please be careful with little things such as staying away from people who are coughing.

Dryness (skin, lips, etc.)

Dryness during the winter season can cause a variety of health problems.

Dry air can strip the skin of moisture, causing dry, itchy, cracked skin.

The best way to combat this problem is to use moisturizing creams and lotions on a regular basis to retain moisture in the skin.

Many hotels have humidifiers in their rooms, so use a humidifier to maintain proper room humidity.

Dry skin is hard to deal with.

common cold

Cold weather makes it easier to catch a cold. It is important to dress appropriately, regulate your body temperature, and maintain your immune system.

In the winter season, the common cold is the most common illness, but as a symptom,

  • Cough: Dry cough or cough with mucus may occur.
  • Runny nose: Nasal congestion: The mucous membranes of the nose become inflamed, resulting in a runny or stuffy nose.
  • Sore throat : A sore or irritated throat may appear.
  • Fever: Mild to moderate fever may occur. Fever may be high, especially in children.
  • General fatigue: You may feel tired and sluggish.
  • Headache: May be accompanied by headache.
  • Muscle pain : Muscle and joint pain may occur.

These symptoms are caused by a cold virus. The common cold is a self-limiting illness, often requiring no special treatment and recovering with adequate rest and hydration.
However, medical attention is recommended if symptoms are severe or prolonged, or in the elderly, young children, or those with underlying medical conditions due to increased risk of complications.

In addition, cold symptoms are similar to other respiratory infections such as influenza and novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19), so caution should be exercised during the winter season.

If symptoms appear, you should try to rest at home and avoid going out to crowded or public places to avoid infecting others.

These illnesses and symptoms are not unique to Japan and are common in winter in many countries. However, for foreign travelers who are not accustomed to the Japanese climate and living environment, these risks may be increased.

Take care of your health while traveling, If you notice anything out of the ordinary, seek medical attention as soon as possible. If you feel something is wrong, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Travel to Japan, recommended inexpensive insurance

TOKIO OMOTENASHI POLICY is an insurance policy proposed by a major insurance company in Japan.

Because it covers only illness and injury while traveling in Japan, less expensive than general overseas travel insurance. and also, you can purchase it with your smart phone after you enter Japan. It is easy to apply for the insurance because you can It is easy to apply for the insurance because it can be done with a smartphone after entering Japan.

Please check our website for details.

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