For those who want to see the operation screen of TOKIO OMOTENASHI POLICY in advance

All insurance policies for foreign visitors to Japan (even Japanese) with an insurance period of 31 days or less can be completed online.
However, there are many people who say , “Why can’t I advance the screen?” This page is recommended for those people.
Or it is important to know (confirm) what operations are required in advance.
= Description =
- The application screen for TOKIO OMOTENASHI POLICY (insurance for temporary return to Japan) is not progressing.
- STEP 1 Check if you are eligible to join
- From here, you can apply for the program.
- This is where we come in.
- It’s over.
- Related Articles
The application screen for TOKIO OMOTENASHI POLICY (insurance for temporary return to Japan) is not progressing.
Welcome to Japan! and Welcome Back!
I assume that the people reading this page are those who are returning to Japan temporarily or have relatives coming to Japan from overseas to visit.
TOKIO OMOTENASHI POLICY is simply an insurance policy for the duration of your stay in Japan up to 31 days.
>> For more information, click here. <<
If you want to apply, please click on this blue banner and enter the necessary information, but there is a big problem for those who live overseas.
Access from foreign countries is blocked.
Note: Accessible from Hong Kong, mainland China, and within Korea.
As far as Japanese law is concerned, we are not able to accept applications from people in foreign countries. (I don’t know how difficult it is, but I can’t even look at the screen.)
So, when you are living abroad and going back to your home country temporarily for two weeks, you may be thinking, “I need to get insurance too!” But how do I go about the procedure? ….
I can’t find a website with a detailed description: …..
We have received many inquiries from customers, so we are explaining the procedure so that anyone who sees this can complete the process without problems.
STEP 1 Check if you are eligible to join
Not everyone is eligible to join the program, so please check in advance whether you are eligible to join the program if you are entering Japan. The most important thing when considering insurance is to check in advance.
It starts with a click on this banner.(After entering Japan)

Am I OK? Let’s check first! & Final check on your insurance!
TOKIO OMOTENASHI POLICY is originally for foreign visitors to Japan, so there is no Japanese-language description.
We only have English, Korean, and Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) . If you cannot speak a foreign language, please refrain from coming.
Because all the explanations after enrollment, insurance claims, and other texts will be in these languages (the language displayed at the time of application), so it would be very difficult to be “I can’t read the language~”.
However, please note that not all guidance can be translated automatically, although it is convenient to use the translation function on your smartphone or PC browser to switch to the Japanese display.
This is an English display, but it was translated by GOOGLE in 0.5 seconds.

Description of insurance coverage. Please also check the precautions.

The insurance can be set up for 1 day to a maximum of 31 days.

The application process includes steps 1-4 and takes about 5 minutes to complete if you proceed without any problems.

This is where you will be asked to work with your hands for the first time.
- First time users will be asked to enter their e-mail address to ensure that they will receive an e-mail from Tokio Marine & Nichido. (This can be omitted if you are a second time user.)
- For security purposes, you will be required to enter the authentication characters displayed on the screen.
- And send!
- Click on the URL in the email sent to you.
Then please wait about 3 seconds and check the mail that has arrived. If it has not arrived, please check your spam box.
I also checked my spam, and it’s not there!” If you are not sure, please try a different email address, as it may have been stopped by the server.
From here, you can apply for the program.
The original of this screen is also in English, but it has been translated by GOOGLE for your reference.

Here’s a note: (1)
- The policyholder (the person applying for insurance) must be an individual 18 years of age or older at the time of application. (Corporations and children are not eligible to apply.)
- (If more than 5 days have elapsed since your arrival date, you will not be able to apply. (e.g. If your arrival date is January 1, you will not be able to apply if your arrival date is January 6.)
It is possible to enter this information in the proper format and enroll in the program, but please be absolutely sure to enter the correct information, as it is possible that you may not be covered in the event of an illness that would require the use of insurance.

Here’s the caveat (2).
- The insurance period is from 1 to 31 days. Extensions are not available, so if you are staying for more than 32 days, please contact
>> Go to Reverse Travel Insurance << - There are various conditions for cancellation, etc., and refunds may not be given.

If something does not apply to you, you are finished here. (No insurance coverage is available).
Only those who have no problem with all of the above, please agree and proceed to the next step.
The next step is to enter the required information.
This is where we come in.
The screen so far was just to check, so it wasn’t a problem. Many of you have
Why can’t we move on~!”
Why Japanese Web-site ! by Jason Kaze
에러가 나오고 화면이 나아가지 않는다!
Please do a preliminary study before you apply because it will be something like this. Or please apply on another device while watching this screen.

This is a very important point.
The date of arrival in Japan, the insurance start date, and the insurance end date are very important in this insurance application.
Arrival date in Japan
Please make sure to enter the exact date here.
The worst thing to do: I entered yesterday’s date because it is now more than 5 days past the date of entry. → Insurance cannot be used. (This is a false declaration.)
Insurance start date
If you are applying after you have returned to your country, please set the date basically the day after your application date.
Example: Date of Entry: January 1 → Insurance Start Date: Jan. Jan. 2
The date of return cannot = the insurance start date. An error occurs and you have to start over from the beginning.
It is possible to set the insurance start date a few days later if there are no errors.
You can apply for this insurance from Hong Kong, Korea, and Mainland China, but if you apply too early, cancellation refunds may not be available in some cases, so last minute timing (the day before your flight) is recommended if you want to purchase this insurance.
Your policy start date cannot be today!
(Today has already started, so no insurance coverage is available, including past)
Set it up after tomorrow!
Insurance end date
The policy can be set up for a maximum of 31 days from the policy start date.

It’s easy here.
Enter your name, birthday, gender, and email address.
- For those who have two names (dual citizenship), either one is acceptable, but the Japanese name would be better.
- This is the email address you will use the most, as all information, including insurance details, will be sent to this address.
Why? Would you prefer a Japanese name?
Hospitals are very rarely accustomed to foreigners. Even if you are half Japanese, the hospital will be ready to receive you if you have a foreign name. Worst case scenario, you may be told “I’m sorry.

Here’s another easy one.
If you are buying insurance for yourself, click on “COPY” and your name and date of birth will be copied. All that remains is for you to select your country of departure.
If you are not the insured person, please click on the button on the left hand side of and enter the person’s name and other information.

Here’s a question.
There are three questions here, so please read them properly and make your decision.
There are two choices. All NO! Or One or more YES!” The two choices are
Note: If you give false answers here and end up purchasing insurance, you may not be able to use your insurance.
Please enter basically true information.

Consent is required in the event of a cancellation.
You had a trip planned, but due to unavoidable circumstances, you can no longer travel to Japan or return home temporarily! It is a common occurrence.
Nowadays, many people give up because they test positive for corona, etc., but it will be on a case-by-case basis as to whether you can get a refund because you canceled your insurance. (Please do not expect too much).
Apply just before the flight or after arrival in Japan to avoid cancellation as much as possible.
Often the money is not returned, so basically do not cancel.
From Korea, Hong Kong, and mainland China, you can access the TOKIO OMOTENASHI POLICY application page (see explanation on this page), so please apply just before or the day before your flight.
The same conditions apply to applications made 10 days in advance and the day before, but the insurance cannot be cancelled or changed even if changes are made 2 days before departure.
Therefore, it is wise to buy insurance just before departure when you know that there will be no changes to your trip.

Check the Description of Important Matters [Very important!
Although it is Japanese law, it is mandatory to check the Important Information Statement for the insurance contract.
Here you will be asked to Click on the Description of important matters button Click on the “Description of important matters” button.
Click to open the screen and review the Description of important matters.
Please note that by opening this screen, you have confirmed this.
If you do not click here, the screen will not advance.

Enter your password [very important point!
The most common mistake that is made in cases where TOKIO OMOTENASHI POLICY applications cannot be completed is the password entry.
When buying online for the first time, you will be asked to enter a password, but the length of the password, the case of the alphabet, and other password specifications vary from site to site.
Tokio Marine & Nichido has a stricter password setting than other shopping sites, so your usual password is not likely to work.
Numbers and letters (both upper and lower case are required) and symbols are needed
Please enter a combination of alphabets, numbers, and symbols. You cannot proceed with only alphabets and numbers. (An error will result).
Please enter a password of 8 to 16 single-byte characters.
Use a combination of English, numbers, and symbols ($ % & * + , – . / = @ _ ) in combination.
For example: Tokiomarine@2022 would be upper case (T), lower case (okiomarine), symbol (@), and number (2022), so we can proceed to the next outer surface.

Finally, click “I agree
If you clicked “I agree” at the end and jumped to the next page, it is perfect.
From here, you will move to the payment page, where you will be asked to enter your credit card number.
After completing the contract, “I want to inquire with the insurance company!” I have a stomach ache, what should I do?” If you are a subscriber only, please click here.
>> Subscriber-only inquiries <<
It’s over.
This is a long explanation, but if you try to enter the information yourself, you can complete the process in about 5 to 7 minutes, so it is not that difficult.
Many people viewing this page overseas are concerned because they cannot check in advance, and I have received many inquiries.
In my research, I found no website where you can check the application screen in advance of TOKIO OMOTENASHI POLICY, so I think we were able to provide “peace of mind” to many people.
There are many reasons why people return home temporarily.
- I brought my kids to see Grandma and Grandpa.
- Returning home after a long absence from overseas assignments
- I brought my marriage partner.
- Buddhist memorial service
- etcetera, etcetera
People stay in Japan for various reasons, and while it is best not to get sick or injured, it is important to be prepared to deal with such an event if it should happen! However, it is important to be prepared to cope with such an event if it should occur.
Please enjoy many delicious foods in Japan after a long absence.
Oh, and don’t forget to download the app!
TOKIO MARINE Safety Information